April 24, 2012

Growing up

I am not a morning person. I really really really wish I was, but I'm just not.

I've known this about myself for a long time, however it's taken me a good while into my adult life to figure out how much sleep I really need. The past few weeks I've been consistently getting about 6-7 hours of sleep a night, and while I can manage on that amount, let's just say I'm not in "tip-top shape" between the time I wake up and about, oh... 10:30 am. That's a good long time spent simply waking up. I think I'm figuring out that I'm more of an 8-hour person. So I'm starting to learn. That maybe it's worth it to turn off the TV at 10 so I can wind down and get ready for bed and actually be asleep by 10:30 or 11. Maybe it's worth it to make the best use of my time so I don't feel gypped at the end of the evening when all I got done was eating dinner, watching a show, and checking FacebookTwitterInstagramBlogs, aka all that is social media (seriously, how pathetic am I??). Maybe it's worth it to really push it in that after-work run so I feel that good kind of tired at the end of the day, so I sleep harder, so I feel more rested in the morning.

Yes, my friends, these things I'm still learning. I guess the summary of this post is that I'm still learning how to be a grown-up.

And honestly, I think I will still be learning this when I'm 45.
And when I'm 60.
And probably by 75 I'll have given up and just decided to act like a kid again.

For now, I'll be relying on this to wake me up this morning.

Does anybody else feel the same way?


  1. cuuuutteee. ok so I know you're gonna hate me but...I am a morning person. I mean I'm groggy when I wake up but five minutes after I'm out of bed I'm pretty much wide awake. however I too struggle with getting to bed - turning off the tv, the computer etc. I'm trying to put on some music and read earlier in the night. and yes, running helps a lot too!

    1. Haha I think I knew this about you before, and no I don't hate you! I'm just jealous that you have that skill!!

  2. Oh I struggle to get out of bed every morning! Thankfully once I'm out of bed/start getting ready, I feel more awake. I need like 8-9 hours of sleep so I have been trying to be really disciplined to start winding down around 10 so I can be asleep by 10:30. buuuut since I've been reading the Hunger Games I've been staying up later reading and I'm paying for it haha

    1. Oh I'm with you on that!! Getting into a good book or show on Netflix is definitely a good way to lose sleep!


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