October 24, 2013

We Bought a House!

Yesterday, we closed on our very first home! We signed about a million pieces of paper, handed over a very large check, and just like that, we were homeowners. We drove over to the new place and just walked around in the empty rooms - this place is ours! And it's such a good feeling.

Last night after work, we drove over again to do a thorough cleaning. I took on the vacuuming, mopping, and kitchen, and Michael tackled the carpet cleaning. And boy are we glad we are cleaning it. Clumps of cat hair everywhere! But we're making progress. Tonight I'm going to paint the master bedroom, and this weekend we move in! I can't imagine how overwhelmed we would be if we bought a fixer-upper. Even with the place in good condition, there is a ton to do. It has been a whirlwind already but I'm so thankful we're moving to a place we can truly invest in! More pictures to come...


  1. congratulations!! how exciting! can't wait to see pictures of it! :) and you look so cute - love your outfit!

  2. so exciting for you guys! putting down roots. i'm sure it feels wonderful. also, inspired by your last post, i'm making beer bread tonight. it's a mix, but i'm taking baby steps. it's all about progress, right?

  3. Yay! Congratulations! This is such an exciting step. I can't wait to see your progress in the new place. Best of luck with the move and getting settled in!

  4. Congrats, girl! Wishing you a smooth move this weekend.


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