August 22, 2012

Some things you may not know about me

So, my friend Christina from My Life, Laughs, and Love nominated me for The Liebster Award WEEKS ago, and due to all the craziness as of late, I haven't been able to take time to finish this post! I have finally written out 11 things about me, answered her questions, and come up with some of my own for the lovely bloggers below. This is pretty wordy (probably more than you want to read about me) so let's get to it!

The Rules

1. Create a blog post included 11 random facts about yourself
2. Answer the 11 random questions from the blogger who nominated you
3. Give this award to at least 5 blogs up to 11 and link to them in the post
4. Tell those people you nominated them
5. You cannot nominate the person who has nominated you
6. Remember to tag blogs with less than 200 followers

11 Random facts about me

1. I'm 5'2" and wear size 5.5 in shoes. It's never really bothered me, I actually kind of like being small. Except when shoe stores don't carry anything less than a size 6!

2. My favorite class in college was my freshman English class. I absolutely loved our professor and we read some pretty awesome novels. We did so much writing that semester and it was a ton of work, but it was one of the few college courses I actually got a solid "A" in. So why did I pursue a left-brained major like Accounting? I'm asking myself that question right now.

3. I am the oldest of 5 kids. Since I am naturally an introvert, I definitely need my space and alone time, but because I grew up in a big family I love having lots of people around and things going on (hence the social part). I've always thought I wanted to have a lot big family too but 5 may be just a little too many for me to handle. I'm realizing more and more how much work kids are!

3. I was homeschooled through the 4th grade. I have lots of memories from my elementary years but I probably couldn't tell you how old I was in each of them because my elementary years all sort of run together, since I didn't have different teachers and school years to mark the times. But I learned so much in those years. I developed a love for reading, which I kind of fell away from once I started going to school (go figure). But I wasn't one of those weirdos who didn't develop social skills - I played a TON with my siblings and all the neighborhood kids, and we constantly got together in homeschool groups to do field trips and group homeschooling. It was actually a lot of fun!

5. I am an INTJ. I think I am more of a social introvert than a true quiet introvert. You can take the test here to find out what you are!

6. I did show choir in high school. Like, full out glee club. I was lucky enough to go to school during a time when we had an amazing director and a really wonderful choir program with 5 different choirs to be a part of. I was in a show choir called Pizzazz and an all girls choir called Ladies Select. Our show choir did some really fun numbers - MJ's Thriller (we dressed up like zombies and everything), Shania Twain, songs from Rent and Wicked, just to name a few. We took big spring trips every year to compete in competitions in Florida, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Some of my favorite highlights and high school memories came from being a part of the show choir!

7. I don't like my feet. I feel like they always look fat. But my hands - I do like those!

8. Speaking of hands, I keep my nails short almost all of the time (no, I don't bite them).

9. My maiden name is Yantz - it's German. It's a little different and kind of weird, but I miss it sometimes. It's just not a name you hear everywhere, and that's kind of cool.

10. The countries I've visited outside of the US are Ghana, Venezuela, France, Italy, Dominican Republic, islands in the Caribbean, and Canada (do those last two even count?). I feel like writing these all down makes me want to do a blog post on each one... I'll have to get on that.

11. While I'm really excited to have babies someday, I'm most excited for them to be little kids - like ages 3, 4, 5, & 6. Those are my favorite ages because they are still in the "cute" stage and they are learning and growing so much, asking questions all the time and saying the funniest things!

Christina's 11 questions

1. If your job were to transfer you to a different location, ideally where would it take you?
I think it would be awesome if my job took me somewhere I wouldn't be brave enough to move to on my own. Honestly there are so many places I've been fascinated with lately that I can't pick just one! New York (thanks to this lady and How I Met Your Mother), Chicago, Denver, and London all make the list. I know some of them sound cliche but they are cliche for a reason - people must love them!

2. Do you bunch or fold your toilet paper?
Haha this one made me laugh! I definitely bunch it (and the hubs always complains that I use way too much, which I don't, he's just crazy).

3. What quality do you love most about yourself?
This one is tough for me! I think it would have to be that I'm a "doer." I like having things on my schedule, lists to check off, and projects to work on. However, I also see this as a fault sometimes. Sometimes I wish I was better at just "being" - sitting around and enjoying people without necessarily accomplishing something. So there's my backwards answer to that question :)

4. What is your going out drink-of-choice?
Usually a margarita will do the trick! They are the perfect combination of salty and sweet :) If I want something light I'll go with a vodka tonic.

5. If you won a shopping spree to any store, which would it be?
This is hard! If it was an unlimited shopping spree, it would have to be Nordstrom because they have the nicest clothes. But if I was on a limited budget it would be TJ Maxx!

6. What was your high school mascot?
We were the Spartans - Christina you are fully aware! Our colors were orange and blue, and then I proceeded to go to college where the colors were orange and maroon, so let's just say there is a LOT of orange in my t-shirt drawer!

7. Stilettos or wedges?
I'm really loving wedges lately! They are about 10x more comfortable and it really helps that they're in style now. I feel justified buying them because I know I'll wear them with more casual outfits because they're so comfortable :) (But I do love a good pair of pumps when I get really dressed up!)

8. Most embarrassing moment?
This may or may not be my most embarrassing moment but it's the first thing that came to mind. When I was 10 years old I was climbing trees with some neighbor friends, who happened to be boys. I jumped out of a tree wrong and landed weird on my foot so I was sitting on the ground making sure it was okay, and one of the boys said "Dang, you need to shave!"  I. was. mortified. That night I went home and without asking permission shaved my legs with my mom's razor. And that's why I started shaving at the young age of 10.

9. Favorite season?
When I was in school, summer was hands down my favorite season. I think it's still #1, but fall is coming in as a very close 2nd. My favorite things about summer are the long days and the hot weather! And I feel like everyone is generally much more relaxed in the summer months.

10. Who sent you your most recent text // what did it say?
From my mom: "I'll let you know when I hear something," referring to my cousin who had twin baby boys today!

11. Guilty pleasure?
Shopping for myself when I'm buying gifts for other people. I seriously do this all the time! If I go to a favorite store of mine to look for a present for someone else, I end up spending just as much time, if not more, browsing for myself. Even when I've already used up my shopping budget for the month! I always feel guilty doing it, but sometimes it pays off when I snag that random item that I really needed, which of course I found because I wasn't specifically looking for it (darn you, Murphy's Law!).

And now... the nominees!

Colleen @ Ordinary Tales
Megan @ Happy the Home
Mindy @ Handmade by Mindy
Heather @ Made to Live
Erin @ Life as a Losey
Sherri @ The Life of a Wife

My 11 questions for you

1. What is your current ringtone?
2. Favorite thing to do on a Friday night?
3. What do you usually have for breakfast?
4. Do you have any superstitions?
5. If you had to do it over again what would you study in school?
6. What TV shows are you into right now?
7. What's the last concert you went to?
8. What was your first AIM screen name?
9. Favorite birthday memory?
10. What was your first paying job?
11. If someone gave you $500 for no reason, what would you spend it on?

Are you still with me? Wasn't that fun?? I think I'm going to change up the rules a bit. If you are a reader of my blog and WANT to answer my questions but I failed to nominate you, please do! In a comment, an email, or do a whole blog post like I did! You can totally claim that I nominated you :)


  1. loved reading these about you! I always am interested in those personality tests! I love wedges too and can't wait for Fall! and summer is a close second to me!

  2. 1. that picture is awesomesauce.
    2. 5 is crazy!!!! but also awesome. sometimes i wonder how my parents did 2 kids! it's so natural to gravitate towards how you were raised...until you realize it's a lot of work, haha! but i also think that big families are so tempting - they really just seem so joyful and full and all that wonderful stuff that signifies family. but when i look at families like yours i wonder how they found the time and money to do it - your parents must be superheroes, right ;)
    3. you make homeschooling sound awesome. i think it's hard to understand from the outside, but makes so much sense (and i also believe is very effective when you have a big family - creates a more school-like environment).
    4. I'm an ENFP - no wonder they say opposites attract ;)
    5. i am super attached to my maiden name - since i was a little girl i've said i wouldn't change it, and i still think i won't. i feel torn though - it's such an honor to create a family with someone and makes sense to share a last name to solidify that bond, but i feel like women of my generation can be very attached to their last name (especially since we are getting married older and older). we would never our change our first names - something we identify with so much, but we change our last names (feels just as odd to me). so i'm always fascinated to hear how people feel about it - whether they change it or not. and i don't feel like guys can relate to it. this is a rambling thought so anyways - i think yantz makes a great middle name for any little ones y'all might have ;)
    6. i want to hear about your travels.
    7. i too, will love little kids who say the funniest things.
    8. i also want you to be transferred to nyc ;)
    9. lol - bunch, too. maybe it's a girl thing?
    10. i love this quality about you! go girl, go.
    11. yeah, a good marg is where it's at.
    12. I LOVE NORDSTROM. best. place. ever.
    13. i am a heels girl through and through, but that makes me gravitate towards wedges - an easy way to wear heels. but when i go out - stilettos all the way.
    14. i also shaved my legs without permission the first time (also near the age of 10). it did not go over well.
    15. twin boys!!! how exciting!!!

    ok. longest comment ever. also - i should go to bed. hah!

    1. haha colleen seriously longest comment ever! also, i agree that yantz would be a really cute middle name for a little one :)

  3. Love this! I think we are the same person. #1- I'm the same! I'm also one of five kids! Wish we could have hung out more when I lived in Raleigh!

  4. i loved reading this and learning some new things about you! :) i can't believe that boy said that to you about your legs!! i would have been mortified too. my mom didn't let me shave my legs till summer after 6th grade…hello…gym class was not fun! and also - i had forgotten you were in show choir too! i wonder if we were ever at some of the same competitions!?

    1. I never thought of that but it's possible?! That would be so funny. I sure miss it!

  5. this is fun! i thought you might be an intj! i'm an intp and i read somewhere that in an average classroom, there would only be one int (j or p) because they're so rare. so we have probably both had to put up with people not understanding us most of the time!

    1. Haha weird! I never knew that! We are so unique :)

  6. I LOVE all your answers // insights :) Got to know you that much more!! And although I feel bad for you about that, I'm cracking up over your most embarrassing memory! TOO FUNNY - those darn boys though, how rude!

  7. this was so fun to read! I love learning new things about people! I'll work on my answers and post sometime next week - thanks for tagging me ;)

  8. I'm 1 of 5 kids too! But I'm kiddo #4 instead of the oldest. And girl, you have traveled a LOT! How great! I'm an ESFJ, but just barely the E over I... I'm right on that borderline. :)


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