March 26, 2012

Weekend with my girls

Yesterday I tearfully drove home from an amazing weekend with my bestest college friends. It's kind of funny that the most central place for all of us to meet is the home of our glory days: Blacksburg, VA. I was excited to see them, but spending time with them was way more fun than I anticipated. We stayed in a cabin at Mountain Lake (where they filmed the movie Dirty Dancing) and it rained most of the weekend, but that didn't matter. We talked about everything under the sun, and under the moon, too. We laughed, drank wine, hiked a mountain, ate great food, talked about our recent life discoveries, and laughed some more. It was so refreshing to spend time with those girls, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them. I dearly cherish the moments when we can all be together - our time is so much more precious now than it was in college. I'm already looking forward to our next trip! Here are a few snippets of the weekend.

breakfast in our cabin

dinner at Boudreaux's on Main Street

one of the great things about Blacksburg - cheap gas and cheap drinks

Gillie's Special - my most favorite brunch in the world!


  1. oh i am so jealous! i had a girls weekend right before i graduated from vandy in a mountain cabin and this reminds me of it so much. i'm so glad y'all had such a nice weekend together.

  2. I'm so glad you all were able to get together and have a girls' weekend! Now I miss Gillie's! :)

  3. Time with close girlfriends is the best :) This made me happy to read. Sounds like a fun weekend!


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