January 20, 2015

Whole30: 10 days in

I'm 10 days in and I have to say, eating Whole30 compliant hasn't really made my life all that different. We are eating delicious food, I feel full after a meal, and we're still doing the same things with our day-to-day schedule. Just maybe a little more time spent in the kitchen prepping (on my part anyway...).

Random notes & thoughts:

+ It really isn't that hard to eat well during the week. Every night in the first week I craved bread, a glass of wine, dessert, SOMETHING with sugar in it, but I am slowly getting used to it. This is interesting to me because I'm not that much of a sweets person, but I guess sugar has always been somewhere in my diet, so when I can't have it I crave dessert. We make mocktails if we're feeling weak - seltzer water and fresh lemon juice - or sometimes I'll have some hot raspberry tea. They certainly don't have the flavor that I'm used to in the evenings, but it really helps to be sipping something.

+ The first weekend was pretty hard. I felt like I had been so good all week, I really deserved a glass of wine on Friday night! But I didn't have any, and you know what? It wasn't the end of the world. I still was able to relax, enjoy time with friends, and by the end of the night I found it really didn't affect my life at all. Yes, it would have been nice, but I don't need a drink or pizza to relax and enjoy myself.

+ The shepherd's pie and pulled pork recipes were SO YUMMY. I think I'm going to make both of them again in weeks 3 or 4.

+ So far I haven't really seen any changes to my sleep patterns. I feel good overall (besides some mild fatigue and bloating for female reasons). I like not having the bloat feeling that I always have on mornings following a day (or weekend) of bad eating. I don't feel like I've hit that "sweet spot" that makes everyone say they feel AMAZING while doing Whole30. I'm hoping that will come by the 3rd week. But I also haven't had any headaches or issues with going cold turkey on my sugar intake, so that's good.

+ Certain things I miss, others I don't. I drink my morning coffee with coconut milk (from a can), and at work I drink it black, and it hasn't been that big of a deal. I don't feel like I need cheese with every dish, but certain things, like our morning breakfast frittatas, would be greatly improved upon by some cheese sprinkled in there. Same with bread - I don't always need it, but it seems so necessary with soup, and I'd love a piece of toast with my breakfast for some added energy. I'm trying to find out where to add these things back in after our Whole30 but not feel like they have to be present in every meal. Oh, and black beans. I really miss those!

+ One thing that was hard this week was a party we went to with Michael's work friends. It was my first time meeting all of his coworkers and spouses, and of course when we walk in the hosts start offering us homemade lattes and forbidden foods. I hated having to say no, because I feel like it makes me seem snobby or that I didn't appreciate what they were offering. When I'm at someone's house, I'm the person who always wants to say yes to what's offered, and I hated that I couldn't do that. Someone else brought homemade bread and I was dying to try it. But I realized, it's just bread and there will be PLENTY of other opportunities in life to enjoy homemade bread. Yummy food is so easy to come by here in America, and it shouldn't be hard for me to say no for 30 days, because it will always be there.

On the menu this week:

Vegetable & sausage soup
Zoodles with Costco marinara, meat added
Grilled marinated chicken & roasted veggies
Bacon wrapped meatloaf (with almond flour instead of bread crumbs)

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