September 29, 2011

October Goals

So I've never done a "Goals" post before, but I think it will help me to have it written down in public instead of on a sticky note that I can just throw away. There have been some things lately that I have been wanting to get done, but haven't still, and I feel like making them official goals will be helpful for me and keep me more accountable. You probably don't care about these but I'm going for it anyway!

My October 2011 Goals:
Start exercising again - go on a run or walk 3x a week
Organize our budget and start seriously saving
Keep up with my I Peter Bible study homework (time with the Lord at least 4x per week)
Finally get my wedding dress cleaned and preserved (I know I am so lazy... it has been what, a year and 2 months??)
Do at least one of the crafts that I have pinned on Pinterest
Work on being intentional with my time so I can accomplish what I want to, instead of not thinking about it and then at the end of the day wondering where the day went (this is a fuzzy goal and it will be interesting to see how this goes!)

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